TAB Members: Yasmin Belkhyr, Ram Bhadra, Katherine Echeverry, Moises Garcia, Rabita Kahn, Samuel Kohn-Levitt, Margarita Palvanova, Chairi Park, Eileen Shaw, Shannon Sims, Christina Wang, and Margot Yale
The 2011–12 Teen Advisory Board took on a challenge to strengthen the ties between The Noguchi Museum and the surrounding Long Island City community in The Broadway Project. This endeavor was a response to the exhibition Civic Action: A Vision For Long Island City at The Noguchi Museum, where artists were invited to reimagine the relationship between the Museum and neighborhood. They were particularly inspired by Candy Chang’s public art piece Before I Die. After conducting research and interviews on local L.I.C. business’ perception of The Noguchi Museum, TAB designed and installed a series of chalkboards around the neighborhood with prompts that invited the public to write in their own answers. Questions included “What will you be doing at this exact moment twenty years from now?”, “What is the best advice you’ve ever been given?”, “If you could turn back time, what moment would you go back to?”, “What is something you do not want your parents to know?”, and “If you could teleport, where would you go?”. The Broadway Project was celebrated at Civic Action Day held at Socrates Sculpture Park, an Earth Day event for high school students to get involved in community service by performing park maintenance. Postcards were designed and distributed that advertised the project and mapped the location of all the boards. The project was also celebrated at the Who Rocked Broadway event held by TAB, which invited high school students to draw and create “concrete poetry” based on observations of Noguchi’s sculptures. In addition, TAB hosted an activity for a group of Global Kids from William Cullen Bryant High School at The Noguchi Museum. TAB members also attended a workshop at the Rubin Museum of Art where members of their teen council gave feedback on The Broadway Project. Other site visits included the Whitney Museum of American Art, the Brooklyn Museum, the Asia Society, and the Museum of Art and Design to tour and meet with members of other teen programs.