Teen program participant with Toshiko Takaezu’s installation Homage to Devastation Forest
Toshiko Takaezu: Worlds Within. Photo: Sal Espinoza

Making Your Mark 2025

Making Your Mark is a paid studio art-making intensive for rising junior and senior New York City public high school students. Teen participants of Making Your Mark meet at The Noguchi Museum on Mondays–Thursdays, 11 am–4 pm from July 7–August 1, 2025. Drawing inspiration from Isamu Noguchi’s life, artistic practice, and current exhibition Against Time: The Noguchi Museum 40th Anniversary Reinstallation, students will learn interdisciplinary approaches to sculpture and explore aspects of their own identity, creativity, and self-discovery, culminating in a public exhibition of student artwork in the Education Studio.

All art materials will be provided and students will receive a $600 stipend for full participation in the program, with the option to receive a MetroCard for transportation to the Museum.

Applications for Making Your Mark will open April 1, 2025, and are due by Monday, June 2 at 11:45 pm. Please note that the application requires one professional reference. For more information about this program, please contact education@noguchi.org.

Making Your Mark Exhibition will be open to the public in the Education Studio (August 1–17, 2025). 

Making Your Mark is supported by the Windgate Foundation Art Education Fund, endowed with a major gift by the Windgate Foundation. Major support is provided by The Pierre and Tana Matisse Foundation, with generous support from an anonymous donor. The program is also supported, in part, with public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council and from the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.