Upcoming Free Events
Sunday, January 5, 2025
Tour Público
Museum Tour in Spanish
1 pm–2 pm
Únase a nosotros para un recorrido y charla del museo en español. Join us for a conversational tour of the Museum in Spanish.
01/05/2025 01:00 PM
01/05/2025 02:00 PM
Tour Público
Museum Tour in Spanish Recorridos públicos del museo en español ocurren los primeros viernes de cada mes a las 1 pm. Entrada al museo es gratis cada primer viernes.Los recorridos del museo son conversacional y exploran obras… The Noguchi Museum
Museum Tour in Spanish Recorridos públicos del museo en español ocurren los primeros viernes de cada mes a las 1 pm. Entrada al museo es gratis cada primer viernes.Los recorridos del museo son conversacional y exploran obras… The Noguchi Museum
Monday, January 20, 2025
Drawing from a Distance
7:30 pm–9 pm
Join us on Zoom for a free drawing workshop based around extended films of The Noguchi Museum’s spaces. Learn introductory drawing techniques, and settle into a flow creating a long sketch.
01/20/2025 07:30 PM
01/20/2025 09:00 PM
Drawing from a Distance
Join us in this virtual program where we closely examine scenes from Distance Noguchi. These fixed-perspective films feature spaces from The Noguchi Museum where light shifts and nature actively interacts…
The Noguchi Museum
Monday, February 17, 2025
Drawing from a Distance
7:30 pm–9 pm
Join us on Zoom for a free drawing workshop based around extended films of The Noguchi Museum’s spaces. Learn introductory drawing techniques, and settle into a flow creating a long sketch.
02/17/2025 07:30 PM
02/17/2025 09:00 PM
Drawing from a Distance
Join us in this virtual program where we closely examine scenes from Distance Noguchi. These fixed-perspective films feature spaces from The Noguchi Museum where light shifts and nature actively interacts…
The Noguchi Museum
Monday, March 17, 2025
Drawing from a Distance
7:30 pm–9 pm
Join us on Zoom for a free drawing workshop based around extended films of The Noguchi Museum’s spaces. Learn introductory drawing techniques, and settle into a flow creating a long sketch.
03/17/2025 07:30 PM
03/17/2025 09:00 PM
Drawing from a Distance
Join us in this virtual program where we closely examine scenes from Distance Noguchi. These fixed-perspective films feature spaces from The Noguchi Museum where light shifts and nature actively interacts…
The Noguchi Museum